Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Art: You Just Can’t Duplicate Perfection

Paintings that mimic nature are pretty, but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t get certain aspects of the natural scene like it really is.  I believe that also says a lot about us as human beings trying our hardest to live a sinless life, we can never do that.

But does that mean I’m just not suppose to try to keep painting better?  I don’t think so.  Does that mean that I’m just suppose to stop trying to get my life lined up more with God expects of me?  I don’t think so.

I’ve seen a lot of paintings that come pretty close to being perfect and they are amazing.  Don’t know for sure if I can ever attain that skill, but I’m going to keep on trying because God has put that desire in me and really, it’s all I know how to do that gives me a sense of accomplishment.  I would like to honor and glorify Him through my art.

There will never be another perfect human.  And knowing that can sometimes knock the wind out of your sail.  You might think, what’s the use in trying?  Well for me, His Spirit lives within me.  That means He is my Mentor, my Guide, my Heavenly Father.  So He has put it in me to keep on trying to do what I think is pleasing to Him, to try to do what He would do in situations, to love, to share, to show compassion, to care.

I thank Him for giving us the beauty of nature.  I can challenge myself to try to paint a picture as beautiful as His Creation.  I thank Him for filling me with His Holy Spirit to guide me in the way I should go.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my painting on barn wood.  If you’d like to see more of my work go to my facebook page or my website.

If you’d like to follow my blog, occasionally I give away my art work, if you are signed up then you will receive an email each time I post.  Then you will be informed when I am giving something away.

Have a great day!

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